

This service can display Linux system information for your local host or from remote hosts.

If you want to grab information from a remote host, you need to fulfill these conditions:

  1. You need your ssh key added to ssh-agent.
  2. You need to be able to connect to the remote host without password.

Some widgets might work as well on macOS, but I don’t guarantee it. I don’t have macOS, so I can’t test it.

Service configuration

Local host

You don’t need to configure any service. DevDash will fetch the data needed directly on your system. You only need to replace every service ID from rh (remote host) to lh (local host) in the widget name.

Remote host

    username: my-cool-user
    address: ""

The port 22 is important! Without it, it won’t work.

Widgets available

Name Description
rh.box_uptime Total time the computer has been available
rh.box_load CPU load (from boot)
rh.box_net_io Network IO
rh.box_disk_io Disk IO
rh.bar_memory Display memory information
rh.gauge_cpu_rate CPU utilization (%)
rh.gauge_memory_rate Memory utilization (%)
rh.gauge_swap_rate Swap utilization (%)
rh.bar_rates Display CPU rate, memory rate and swap rate (see above)
rh.table_disk Display information of different virtual disks Display whatever output from a command in a text box
rh.gauge Display whatever output from a command in a gauge diagram
rh.table Display whatever output from a command in a table Display whatever output from a command in a bar diagram

Widget Options

If these options are not provided, they will fall back to some default values.

Option title

You can use the option title for every widget.

Option unit

The option unit can convert an output in one unit to another. By default, if you don’t precise the option, everything is converted to kilobit. You can convert from bit (b) to exabit(eb).

Widget supporting the options:

  • box_disk_io
  • box_net_io
  • bar_memory
  • table_disk

Option command

This is a command line you can run to display the output in your dashboard. Pipes are supported, but not quotes for now. If you need to use them, just create a script and run it via this option.

Widget supporting the options:

  • rh.gauge
  • rh.table

The output of the command line ran needs to be formatted as follow:

The output of the command needs to be a string.


The output of the command needs to be a percentage (a number less 100).


Each line of the output represent one row in the table, and the string separated with a space will populate the cells.

You can provide headers with the options headers, for example: headers: "first,second,third,fourth".

If no headers are provided, the first line of the output will be considered as headers.

You can provide headers with the options headers, for example: headers: "first,second,third,fourth". The number of headers need to match the number of bar you have in your diagram.

If the headers option is not provided, it will fall back to some dummy defaults. It won’t be very useful…

The output of the command line needs to be a sequence of numbers, separated with spaces. Each number represent a bar in the diagram.

The numbers can be on multiple lines.