
This reference the general configuration for your dashboards.

Name Description Default value Examples
refresh The cycle’s duration of refreshing data, in seconds 600 600
editor Shell-based editor you want to use to edit dashboard config $EDITOR vim


You can map some keystrokes to some action as following:

Name Description Default value Examples
quit Key to quit DevDash C-c C-x, q
hot_reload Key to hot reload your dashboard config file C-r C-x, q
edit Key to edit your current dashboard with $EDITOR C-e C-x, q

The hot reload key can be useful to modify your dashboard via the configuration file, without having to restart DevDash! You can use the edit key to directly edit the config using the value of the environment variable $EDITOR.

Configuration Example

  refresh: 600
    quit: "C-c"
    hot_reload: "C-r"
    edit: "C-e"
  editor: /usr/bin/vim