

  1. Go to your Github account in your favorite browser
  2. Click on your avatar (top right corner)
  3. Click on “Settings”
  4. Click on “Developer settings”
  5. Click on “Personal access tokens”
  6. You don’t need to select any scope for DevDash, except if you want to read data from your private repositories.
  7. Generate a new token you will add in your DevDash configuration.

Service configuration

        token: 1234
        owner: Phantas0s
        repository: devdash

You can also use the environment variable DEVDASH_GITHUB_TOKEN to store the token. In that case, you only need to precise the owner in the config file.

The repository is not mandatory if you precise it in each widget.

Widgets available

Name Description Comment
github.box_stars Number of stars of a precise repository
github.box_watchers Number of watchers of a precise repository
github.box_open_issues Number of open issues of a precise repository
github.table_branches All branches of a precise repository
github.table_issues All issues (and their states) of a precise repository
github.table_repositories Table of all repositories with count different information (see metrics option)
github.bar_views Github traffic of the repository’s page the last 14 days Doesn’t accept start_date / end_date option
github.bar_commits Give the number of commit per week (maximum last 52 weeks) stard_date / end_date option must be “x_weeks_go”. x must be a number at least 0 at most 52
github.bar_stars Display stars given to a repository overtime

Widget Options

Table Widgets

Name Description Default value Examples Availability
row_limit Limit the number of rows 5 5, 100
order Order of the list updated created, updated, pushed, full_name Not available for github.table_branches, github.table_issues
metrics Column display stars,watchers,forks,open_issues stars,forks Not available for github.table_branches, github.table_issues
repository Overwrite the repository given in the service’s configuration devdash

Bar Widgets

Name Description Default value Examples Availability
start_date Start date of time period 7_days_ago 2018-01-01, 2_weeks_ago Not available for github.bar_views
end_date End date of time period today 2018-01-31, 2_weeks_ago Not available for github.bar_views
scope Owner commits or everybody commits owner owner, all Only available for github.bar_commits
repository Overwrite the repository given in the service’s configuration devdash