
Widget types

Every widget has a type, which will determine its display. The type is included in the widget’s name.

The available types are:


For example, ga.bar_pages is a widget attached to the service Google Analytics (ga), and it’s a bar diagram.

Each type of widget has its own display options. Here’s the exhaustive list:

Box Widgets

Name Description Default value Examples
title Title Depending on the widget Users
height Height 10 5
color Global color for title, border and text Default color colors
title_color Title color Default color colors
border_color Border color Default color colors
text_color Text color Default color colors

Table Widgets

Name Description Default value Examples
title Title Depending on the widget Users
color Global color for title, border and text Default color colors
title_color Title color Default color colors
border_color Border color Default color colors
text_color Text color Default color colors

Bar Widgets

Name Description Default value Examples
title Title Depending on the widget Users
border_color Border color Default color colors
height Height 10 5
color Global color for title, border, text and every colored elements Default color colors
title_color Title color Default color colors
text_color Text color Default color colors
num_color Color of numerical data Default color colors
empty_num_color Color of numerical data when the bar is too small to appear Default color colors
bar_color Bar color Default color colors
bar_gap Gap size between the bars 0 5, 10
bar_width Bar width 6 5, 10